Remote Staff – Outsourcing in real estate with Lisa B.

Chris Jankulovski is the CEO and founder of

Today we have Question 1 in our interview series with Chris Jankulovski. We discuss the benefits you could experience with employing someone off-shore to assist you or your team members in their real estate careers.

There sometimes tends to be controversy when off-shore staffing is mentioned. People think that it could very likely replace existing workers and take Australian jobs. Chris helps businesses like you, to use remote staff to free up YOUR time. After all who wants to be sitting in the office at 9pm at night, when you could be at home with your family.

Chris explains – There are 2 ways to have outside work done. When you want set tasks completed, you can ‘out source’.

* This is giving a task to someone, they could be located overseas, or across the road. They complete the set task and you pay them and then you move on. So do they.

* The second option is remote staff. Remote staff, literally become an extension of your existing team. You can employ them full time or part time.

Some of the tasks you could have a someone help you with is

• Admin work
• Marketing – online and offline
• Sales support
• Assistant roles to the directors

plus many other tasks

Have you used off shore staff? What was your experience?

Lisa B. – Helping Real Estate agents just like you, work less hours and make more money using the internet.

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Lisa B. helps real estate agents to use the internet to kick butt online.
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