Unlock the Secrets to Real Estate Success: Interview with James Tostevin

Are you ready to take your real estate career to new heights? Today I have an interview for you that I did with James Tostevin a little while back.  James is an industry icon known for his success and dedication to exceptional client service. In this interview, James shares his insights and expertise, providing real estate agents with invaluable tips and strategies to elevate their performance.

James Tostevin’s is a world-class operator in the real estate industry is well-deserved. With a phenomenal track record spanning over three decades, he brings a level of enthusiasm and commitment that sets him apart. As a director and auctioneer at Marshall White, James is known for his dedication to client service, supported by a team of highly dedicated professionals. Through his training sessions and seminars throughout Australasia, James shares the systems, processes, and visionary thinking that have shaped his amazing career.

During the interview with James Tostevin, I asked him a series of questions that answer very real situations that real estate agents often encounter. His answers provide valuable insights that can transform your approach and drive success in various areas of your business.

Here are some of the questions I asked James:

  • What’s the key to success in lead generation? What tips would you give agents on how to find listings?
  • What’s the key to success in listing high numbers? What tips would you give agents on how to list well?
  • What’s the key to success in vendor management?
  • What advice would you give agents regarding managing buyer enquiries and buyers?
  • If you had to relocate to work in real estate in a new area, what would you do for the first three months to ensure success?
  • What objections do you make sure to cover in your listing presentation?
  • How do you set goals? Do you set huge, scary goals or goals that you know you can achieve?

To fully benefit from James Tostevin’s expertise and gain in-depth knowledge of his responses please watch the complete interview.  Here – James Tosevin

Visit James’s training website at https://www.jamestostevintraining.com