Why real estate agents are leaving franchises and joining eXp Realty

Why Real Estate Agents are leaving franchises and joining eXp Realty. There are a number of contributing factors. Super low monthly fees. You can have your own real estate business for literally a couple of hundred dollars a month!!! Includes systems and loads of support. All your trust accounting is done for you – no more audits or disbursements. You will save on the hassle and the stress. There are no trust account audits and the fees that go along audits. Incredible support – We’ve got your back. Awesome training – You will never have to pay for training again. Amazing technology platforms and access to lead generation programs. We are ahead of the competition when it comes to technology. We aim to have the best tech that’s going to help you win business. Access to industry groups. You are not alone. State-Based Licensee Support. Again.. we have your back. You can qualify for equity in the company.The rewards that you can achieve are phenomenal. Company Awards – Not only you can qualify for shares in the company, there are many other rewards and awards. One of our agents won tickets to Vegas!

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If you are interested to know more about eXp.. please reach out to one of us

Lisa B 0412 210 558
Frank and Christin Gardner – 0410 669 022
Ellen Revello – 0403 222 447
Sid Gahdhi – 0413 628 441

Go to www.lisab.com.au