Your Data and Facebook Ads

Your data is extremely useful and valuable! 

Instead of running Facebook ads to a cold audience, it makes sense to utilise your existing audience.

We need to leverage every possible piece of data to stay top of mind with our potential customers.

Instead of cold calling your database, have you considered running targeted Facebook Ads to your list specifically? If you weren’t aware, you are able to run ads directly with your email database.

How to Import Your Email List into Facebook and Create a Custom Audience

  1. Prepare your customer list – The first step is gathering your email list into a CSV or TXT file. It’s also beneficial to include as many identifiers as possible, like first names, phone numbers, and addresses, as these can assist Facebook in matching your data with Facebook profiles. Make sure your identifiers are correctly formatted.
  2. Log into your Facebook Ads Manager – This is where you’ll control your advertising campaigns.
  3. Create a Custom Audience – Navigate to ‘Audiences,’ then go to ‘Create audience > Custom Audience > Customer list. Here, you’ll import the prepared email list.
  4. Upload your customer list: Upload your list and provide a name for this Custom Audience. Facebook will match the information from your customer list with Meta profiles. Remember to confirm that your identifiers have been mapped correctly.
  5. Start running your targeted ad campaign: With the Custom Audience created, you can start running your ads directly to your existing email list, ensuring that your message reaches those who already know and trust your brand.  This can be a good way to “warm up” your list if you have neglected it.

Keep in mind, your email list might not be enough for your entire ad audience, so consider also using website visitors and social media engaged visitors as well.


Why retarget your current client database?

Retargeting your current clients isn’t just about increasing sales; it’s about being seen.  It’s about them remembering who you are.  It’s about creating top of mind awareness.

Then it’s about deepening those relationships.

Every interaction, including an ad seen on Facebook, creates an opportunity.

Each engagement increases the trust and rapport.

By continuously providing value and staying top of mind, you’ll be the agent of choice when it comes time to sell.